Saturday, February 7, 2015

Thank the Lord for a Strong-Willed Woman!

I’ve known for about four or five years that I was a strong-willed-woman. I’m sure many people who have known me longer would have been able to clue me in on this a lot sooner, but I kept fighting the idea that I am strong-willed because I didn’t like the stereotype that went along with it.

My desire has always been to be one of those “wispy” women. A quiet woman with a “…meek and gentle spirit…” (1 Peter 3:4). And I do believe I possess these qualities as I’m molded by trials, motherhood and my marriage; but I’m embracing the other side of me, the more dominate side of me, that is in truth-a firecracker.

As I’ve come to accept this side of me, I realized (and am still realizing) just how valuable this quality can be.

First of all, I get s+*t done. I am a mover and a shaker when it comes to what most people would consider “too much work” or too much of a challenge. I have returned items, received discounts, negotiated schedules and asked for what I need when it comes to customer service from businesses.

I have the ability to be very organized and find things in a closet, even if it looks like a mess, I usually know exactly what’s in the that mess.

The part that struck me this week so profoundly is that I should thank God for my strong will when it comes to this diet so I can battle my Candida.

Ya’ll have NO IDEA how badly I want a doughnut! Most days it’s craving a piece of toast, oatmeal, crackers with peanut butter on them, or even rice.
I can’t have ANY of this right now and there are highs and lows.

But I haven’t CHEATED ONCE!

I even spit out coconut chips that were not my regular “lightly salted” ones. I grabbed the wrong bag that were salted and “sweetened with agave”.  I could tell the difference right away (since I haven’t eaten sugar in 5 weeks) and down the sink they went!
I haven’t had one piece of cheese, one sip of alcohol, one carb-nothing. And I realized that this is all because of my strong will!
It’s also because of the Lord’s blessing through providing support from my awesome husband, family and the ability to buy insane amounts of organic vegetables and meats every week. But it’s also because I’ve been blessed with a strong will.

So I’m quickly learning to appreciate this quality in myself and in all the other strong-willed people in my life.

God has designed each of us with unique personalities and experiences that shape those personalities. I am so grateful for all the people in my life who are not strong-willed in the same ways I am. I think there are so many benefits in how different personalities complement each other; and how every person has something to offer when it comes to life.

I’ll be posting later on what I’ve actually been eating. Some of the dishes are delicious, and some are getting monotonous. It’s all in the name of health! At this point, my husband and I say to each other, “at any cost.” My health is worth any medical bill, and any grocery bill. 

At any cost.


  1. I love you Courtney and your open heart! What a blessing you are to many. As another woman who loves Jesus deeply AND also gets sh*t done I am so thankful to have you in my life!

  2. Becca-you are a blessing to me! I love knowing all these women who are in process with me, loving Jesus, but getting stuff done! ;)
