Saturday, December 27, 2014

Can you Candida?

Can you Candida?

My brain is clicking and my fingers have been itching to get this all out, so I’m choosing this avenue.

Truth is, I’ve been sick…sick for a long time. For the past ten months I’ve been struggling with nausea on and off. It’s debilitating. I never know when it will strike. I never know if I will wake up and if it will be a “good” day or a “bad” day due to how I’m feeling.
My symptoms are mostly intestinal. I’ve had an endoscopy, colonoscopy, gone on meds, gone off meds, taken Zofran, worn sea-bands, tried essential oils, and am currently working with a Gastroenterologist and a Naturopath Physician.

During the visit to the Naturopath, he discovered my heart most likely has a valve that isn’t closing all the way and causing my heart to beat “musically” (as he put it). Not that I mind feeling musical from the inside out, but this has NOTHING to do with my nausea or GI symptoms, so I get the joy of adding this to my “basket” of physical ailments.
The Naturopath also asked me to fill out a questionnaire that was titled “It May be a Yeast Problem”. The high score for women is 180 and over, my score was 352.
I now may have self-diagnosed that I’m possibly struggling with a yeast-overgrowth and might be battling Candida.

My family and I are exhausted. We need me to be running at full-capacity if possible. I’m so tired of being tired. I’m so tired of not knowing what is going on with my body. I’m putting this out there so others might join me, give advice, pray for me, and maybe I will touch someone’s life who is also struggling with unknown health issues.

So pray with me as we continue to pour our hope, finances and time into searching for some definitive results.

Thanks for your time!   

1 comment:

  1. My college freshman daughter (and I, in support of her) have been on a candida diet for two weeks. She has struggled with stomach issues, fatigue, headaches, and worsening allergies for some time. We thought it was dairy and gluten, and eliminated those, which helped slightly. When she came home for Christmas break, we visited a internal medicine MD who now specializes in homeopathic medicine. (We unsuccessfully tried traditional medicine last summer.) She believes my daughter has candida / liver issues, and has her on a highly restrictive anti-inflammatory diet, and has ordered a special probiotic. The doctor said it will take time, but my daughter has had fewer headaches and stomach reactions since starting the diet. ~ Another praying Oregonian :)
