Friday, January 4, 2019

Candida Struggles are Real

Four years ago, I was beginning to heal my gut. I was doing everything by the book and I was determined to “not feel sick anymore”.

A month later I would feel on top of the world! Free of all Candida symptoms. No more nausea, no more bloating, no more fatigue, my brain fog (it’s a real thing) was GONE! I felt energetic, strong and I was sleeping better than I ever had.

Then, in March, three months into not one, single, cheat-day, cheat-food, cheat-bite-of-anything…we found out I was pregnant with our third and last baby.

I went off the Candida diet because I kept losing weight due to the pregnancy nausea and all I wanted was a saltine cracker.

I didn’t stray completely off the path. I ate healthy meals and still stayed away from sugar. Even though I had extra fluid like all my other pregnancies, I gained a very healthy amount of weight. (I guess sometimes you figure more out with each kid you have).

Here I am, almost exactly four years from my first meal of plain eggs with spinach and I’m in so much pain and discomfort and exhaustion.

I’m committed to working with my naturopath. I’m back on my strict diet. The only thing I can’t let go of yet is my one cup of caffeinated coffee in the morning with my sugar-free creamer.

 I have waves of hope and they inevitably come crashing down again when I wrestle with nausea, and sweat and cramp until the wee hours of the morning before finally experiencing relief and falling into bed for a couple, short, hours before my children wake.

I’m struggling with fighting against the yeast-overgrowth and accepting that I am, indeed, a “sick mom”.

It’s an interesting burden to bear. I have empathy with the so many who struggle with any kind of food sensitivity or restriction.

I keep holding tightly to Jesus. I do my best to “cast all my cares” on Him and remember the truth-He will never leave me.

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