Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wrapping up Summer 2015

We’ve had a busy summer and I have loved prepping for the fall.

The kids and I took a few weeks off during the summer from homeschooling, but hit the ground running on July 29th. My kids love school for the most part. They get excited about all the stories we have the opportunity to read. This year is Kindergarten for Kai and “Kindergarten-ish” for Audrina since she’s such a firecracker and wants to keep up with her big bro.

I love school too. I get excited to read to my children, most of the stories I’m reading are new to me as well and I LOVE their workbooks that I chose this year. They are bringing out good things in both of my kiddos.
Every “first day of school” we try to make it a celebration. This year we went to the Zoo, since it costs one-million-dollars to go on a regular day between the passes and parking, I took advantage of our discounted tickets I’d purchased weeks before on a sale-site.

Box Day! With Sonlight Curriculum

Our annual family photo at the Zoo
A fun way to capture our time by the monkey exhibit

Candida will still occasionally kick me down, and I’m nervous about the third trimester being my most difficult with digestion in general. I will just have to see how things go. I’m on a regimen of antacids for all the awesome heartburn that comes from having your stomach shoved into the upper portion of your esophagus, but for the most part I’m doing okay. Eight weeks and counting! Yay!

The photo I took a couple weeks ago. Week 30!

Matt and I had the (very, very, rare) opportunity to go to the coast BY OURSELVES and do absolutely nothing for two days. It. Was. Amazing! I couldn’t believe how quiet it was. We brought so little on vacation when it was just the two of us, AND I wasn’t prepping or cleaning up a meal every fifteen minutes. Talk about relaxing! We had such wonderful conversation, shared a coffee while we looked out upon the surf while enjoying 65 degrees of a windless evening. Perfection.
As October approaches, I’m realizing just how full the month is getting already. After October wraps up, I feel like it’s “go time” since the baby is due around November 16th. I’m nervous about the transition, but so ready to see her sweet, little face, and very, very ready to have my body back. There’s no guarantee I won’t continue to live in yoga-pants though…let’s just be realistic. 

Top Pic: Matt and I at the coast for our last "Babymoon" 2015                                                                       Bottom Pic: Matt and I at the coast for our first "Babymoon" 2010